
”Ecology Is Economy” –verkkotapahtuma in English

27.4.2021 14.00–16.00
Tapahtuman sijainti
LAB:n rooli
Do You want to grow your business in a sustainable way and help save the planet?

Small changes can have a big impact so come to our online event 27.4.2021 to learn more and collaborate!

For more details, please visit our event FB-page: https://www.facebook.com/events/2828160417397983/ (copy the link to Your browser to access)
There is no pre registration needed - just click on this link and join us: https://lut.zoom.us/j/67261395078?pwd=QlRKTHdtSVcwZnhpcUIrVFhYYW5RQT09#success (copy the link to Your browser to access)

The event is done by a team of international students from LAB University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with Feeniks - Renew Sustainably -project (ESR).